Monday, January 19, 2009


Well this is my first time ever doing a blog... so we will see how this goes. My name is Courtney. I am a 25 year old single mother. That is the easiest, hardest, and best part of my life. I work in an office building full of women who i absolutely love working with... most of the time. lol. My resolution this yea is... i guess... well the classic to lose a few pounds, and to take a good look at how i was living my life and adjust some of my ways. For the better I hope. Hey I might just become a church going soccer mom. Well maybe not the soccer part, or completely chruch going. I'm gonna start small and work my way up. Anyways... thats about all I can think of right now. I'll try not make this my personal crying pillow but there might be days that I just need to vent. So sorry in advance.


  1. thats what this is for!!! haha no need to be sorry... just as long as you read mine as well

  2. Hey, like your blog, I can now stay incontact with you much better!

    How have you been? Love you much!, Hey, did you get to that wash in the basement?

